All my publications are available on arXiv
Le Reun, T.; Hewitt, D. R. High-Rayleigh-number convection in porous-fluid layers. Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 2021, 920, A35. ArXiv: 2012.09480.
Le Reun, T; Favier, B; Le Bars, M. Evidence of the Zakharov-Kolmogorov spectrum in numerical simulations of inertial wave turbulence. Europhysics Letters, 2020, 132 (6), 64002. ArXiv: 2011.05271.
Le Reun, T.; Gallet, B.; Favier, B.; Le Bars, M. Near-Resonant Instability of Geostrophic Modes: Beyond Greenspan’s Theorem. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 2020, 900. ArXiv: 2002.12425.
Le Reun, T.; Hewitt, D. R. Internally Heated Porous Convection: An Idealized Model for Enceladus’ Hydrothermal Activity. Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets 2020, 125 (7), e2020JE006451. ArXiv: 2003.05964.
Le Reun, T.; Favier, B.; Le Bars, M. Experimental Study of the Nonlinear Saturation of the Elliptical Instability: Inertial Wave Turbulence versus Geostrophic Turbulence. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 2019, 879, 296–326. ArXiv: 1907.10907.
Menaut, R.; Corre, Y.; Huguet, L.; Le Reun, T.; Alboussière, T.; Bergman, M.; Deguen, R.; Labrosse, S.; Moulin, M. Experimental Study of Convection in the Compressible Regime. Phys. Rev. Fluids 2019, 4 (3), 033502. ArXiv: 1812.04572.
Le Reun, T.; Favier, B.; Le Bars, M. Parametric Instability and Wave Turbulence Driven by Tidal Excitation of Internal Waves. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 2018, 840, 498–529. ArXiv: 1712.08815.
Le Reun, T.; Favier, B.; Barker, A. J.; Le Bars, M. Inertial Wave Turbulence Driven by Elliptical Instability. Phys. Rev. Lett. 2017, 119 (3), 034502. ArXiv: 1706.07378.